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Climb Credit

You can either start paying with your education or pay after your education. Have flexible payment options, including deferring full principal and interest. Meritize works with students, educators, and employers to help people excel in skills-based careers.
climb credit

Why Climb Credit

Clarusway has teamed up with the Climb Credit to offer our student’s a unique financing option. Climb Credit works with students, educators, and employers to help people excel in skills-based careers. Climb Credit knows you are more than your credit score, and that is why they look at your past achievements to enhance your loan options potentially.

A few reasons why the Climb Credit is a great option for students include:

Fixed and variable interest rates available

Flexible payment options, including deferring full principal and interest payments until 3 months after you complete your training

Educational Credit starting from 0 % Interest
Fund your education with Educational Credit options starting from 0% interest.
Human support
Smart, caring people available to answer all your questions.

Important Note:

Loans are originated by Climb Investco, LLC. Clarusway does not endorse a particular lender, nor is it affiliated with Climb InvestCo, LLC.

Benefits Of The Climb Credit

Examine the benefits of Climb Credit and make a decision for your future.

Checking loan options will not
impact your credit score

Pre-approval in minutes

climb credit icon

No pre-payment penalty

Ability to finance up to full tuition

Affordable payment options

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The Questions About The Climb Credit

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Climb Credit is a funding organization works with students, educators, and employers to build skills-based careers by offering: Awareness, Access, and Advancement. Read more details…

You can access the Climb Credit loan application here and see the financing terms in 5 minutes.

Interest begins to accrue once money is disbursed to your school. Interest will accrue on your loan while you are in school, even if you select to defer making payments until after you complete your program. Interest is calculated at a simple daily rate and a portion of the interest accrues every day.
Having a co-borrower can potentially improve your loan options. Because Meritize considers your academic, military, or work achievements, you get credit for your merit and could be approved without a co-borrower.
To accept your loan offer, either accept within the application, or reply back to the e-mail you received from Climb Credit.
You will receive a decision on your loan 2 business days after Climb Credit receives your completed application. A completed application includes your required documents or confirmation that you do not plan to include these with your application.
Yes. If your loan is declined, you’ll receive a notice via e-mail to help you understand the reason for your denial. Once you have addressed the issues listed on your credit report, we encourage you to reapply.
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For more details see Terms&Conditions