Web Development with React JS


Level Up Your Coding Skills and Stand Out in the Job Market

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Web Development with React JS

Course Overview

Transform your web development skills with React, the leading library for frontend development. Join our comprehensive 12-week course and become a proficient React developer, equipped to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces with ease.

In this course, you will:

  • Delve into the core concepts of React, starting from the basics and progressing to advanced topics.
  • Learn how to set up your development environment for React.
  • Explore creating and rendering components in React.
  • Understand how to handle state and props in React applications.
  • Master event management in React.
  • Navigate the powerful React ecosystem and discover its vast capabilities.
  • Gain proficiency in Redux, a popular state management library, and understand its principles, actions, reducers, and store setup.
  • Get introduced to TypeScript and learn how to use it with React to enhance code reliability and developer productivity.

Through hands-on exercises and practical projects, you will gain the skills and knowledge to build your React applications and contribute to existing projects confidently. Whether you aspire to become a front-end developer, a full-stack engineer, or simply want to expand your programming horizons, mastering React is a valuable asset in today’s tech industry. Get ready to dive into the world of React and unlock a world of possibilities in web development.

AI Empowered Full Stack Development

Unlock the potential of AI in coding by dispelling misconceptions, utilizing tools for code completion, and enhancing debugging processes. Secure a competitive edge in your job search with AI-assisted unit test generation.

React Methodology

To train graduates who can understand and apply the React methodology professionally

Any Tool Needed

To make participants fully capable of competently working with any tool needed on React

Web Development with React JS is an intensive course designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to build dynamic and interactive web applications using the React JavaScript library.

Why Web Development with React JS?


Everyone sees your product and uses it

Easy to Learn

You don’t need any degree. Just the skills you need


Average salary $110,000+ in the US

Have a Question?

Please schedule a one-on-one Zoom meeting.

You can meet one of the Clarusway Student Advisors in a video call (Zoom session) to talk about your questions.


Why Clarusway

  • Proven Brand and Experience
  • Real Life Project Experience
  • Career Support
  • Easy Payment Options
  • Risk Free to Try
  • IT Network
  • Up to Date Curriculum
  • Innovative Teaching Model
  • No IT Background Needed
  • Upskill Programs
  • Mentoring Support
  • Career Management Service
  • Live Classes
  • Well-established and highly regarded brand in the industry

Innovative Teaching Model

  • ForbesCareer CarmaCourse ReportSwithcup are suggesting us.
  • We developed our Learning Management System (LMS)
  • Our custom LMS gives you the start to finish structure to get job-ready skills faster
  • Simply login and follow the path laid out for you, that’s it.
  • LMS has everything you need; the lessons, the projects, the mentorship sessions, the portfolio you need to build, the readings you need to do.

Upcoming Program


  • JavaScript
  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and SASS
  • Basic GIT knowledge
9 December 2024

Last Admission Date

2 December 2024

What Will You Learn in Web Development with React JS?

  • React JS
  • Styled Component
  • Material UI
  • Tailwind CSS
  • React Bootstrap
  • Context API
  • Custom Hooks
  • Firebase
  • Redux /  Redux Toolkit
  • Typescript
  • Next Js
  • Postman
  • Testing (Jest and Cypress)
  • 10+ Hands-on Projects
  • Deploying a React Application
  • 1 Real Life Project Guided Solution
  • 1 Milestone Project


Pay Upfront and get $1,900 off
The total discounted fee is paid at the time of enrollment.
Installment Plan
IR: 0% and 0% Fee

8 months

Payments start with the program. Apply via Clarusway

* For students originating from Canada, fees will be applied in Canadian Dollars at equivalent rates.

Weekly Schedule

Day/Time4:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M8:00 P.M. - 11:00 P.M.
MonMentoring and CMS (every 2 weeks)Labs / Live Class (Online)
TueMentoringLabs / Live Class (Online)
WedMentoringLabs / Live Class (Online)
ThuMentoring and TeamworkLabs / Live Class (Online)
FriMentoring and WorkshopLabs / Live Class (Online)

The hours are indicated in the “Eastern Standard Time (EST)”.

Alumni Insights

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“Clarusway is teaching on-demand technologies. I strongly recommend Clarusway, if you are on the look out for a bootcamp. The instructors have strong knowledge in their fields. The most important thing is, they are always there when you need help. The pre-class materials are very well structured...”
M. Battal
M. Battal
Switch Up
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“It's been a month and a half since I started the course. With its Experienced Instructors, Professionally Prepared Documents and Curriculum, CMS team is very experienced and caring. I believe that I will land a good job in the IT industry when I finish the bootcamp. I'm glad I attended a bootcamp. ”
Zack F.
Zack F.
Course Report
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"I wish I had met this guys before. It was a cumbersome process to find a suitable IT course with good and up-to-date curriculum and good instructors for me. I tried two different courses else where, even graduated from one on .Net. But here in Clarusway it was all perfect..."
Course Report
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“After spending so much time in marketing, I have long considered switching to web development. I found out about bootcamps, and that really solidified my decision. I looked at the online bootcamps and spoke with a few people who have completed a number of courses. After putting in applications to several schools, I eventually picked Clarusway..."
Edward B.
Edward B.
Career Karma
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“Learning code! Well you can think that it’s impossible. it’s not easy actually , but not impossible! The lessons and the learning methodology are really well-built. Teacher are comprehensive and patient. After the bootcamp, I found a fantastic job on a startup as a data product manager, all thanks to the skills I acquired at Clarusway.”
M. San
M. San
Career Karma
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“My first contact with code was through Clarusway's Bootcamp, and I enjoyed it very much! The 7 Months of Bootcamp taught us a lot, and each of us experienced a different time of adaptation to understand how to code. Some people learn faster than others, so the effort you put in will have a significant impact on your progress...”
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“Clarusway Bootcamp is very helpful for my IT development road. They not teach only coding, they teach everything necessary for an IT job and give valuable information about this sector."

Frequently Asked Questions

React has revolutionized the way developers create web applications by introducing a component-based architecture that promotes reusability, maintainability, and efficiency. With React, you can build dynamic and responsive user interfaces that seamlessly update in real-time, making for a smooth and engaging user experience.

Mastering React is a valuable asset in today’s tech industry. Taking a React course offers compelling reasons for developers:

  • High Demand: React skills are in high demand, increasing employability.
  • Efficient UI Development: React’s component-based architecture enables scalable and efficient development.
  • Ecosystem and Community: Access a vibrant ecosystem and supportive community.
  • Single-Page Applications: React excels in building dynamic and responsive SPAs.
  • State Management: Learn state management techniques like Redux for complex applications.
  • Frontend Development Efficiency: Rapidly build frontend applications with React’s component-driven approach and libraries like Material UI and Bootstrap.
  • Future-Proofing: React demonstrates stability, continuous growth, and industry support.

Take a React course to enhance your skill set, improve development efficiency, and thrive in the frontend development field.

The duration required to become a proficient React JS developer depends on several factors, including your existing knowledge of web development and the time you can dedicate to learning. Our React JS course is designed to provide a comprehensive learning experience, starting from the basics and progressing to more advanced topics. It typically takes several months to complete the course and gain a solid understanding of React’s fundamentals. However, becoming a highly skilled React JS developer is an ongoing journey that involves continuous learning and practice. The more time and effort you invest, the quicker you’ll become proficient in React JS development.

Our React JS program prepares you for a wide range of job opportunities in the field of web development. Upon completion, you’ll have the skills and knowledge to pursue roles such as front-end developer, UI/UX developer, React JS developer, JavaScript developer, or full-stack developer. With React’s popularity and demand in the industry, you’ll find abundant job opportunities in various companies, from startups to large tech corporations. Whether you’re aiming to work for established organizations, freelance, or even start your own projects, our React JS program equips you with the essential skills to thrive in the evolving web development landscape.

We recommend considering your goals, interests, and skillset to determine if our React JS program fits you. If you have an affinity for front-end development and a passion for creating dynamic user interfaces, our program can be an excellent choice. 

To determine if our program is the right fit for you:

  • Review the Program Details: Assess the curriculum, duration, and learning outcomes to ensure they align with your goals.

  • Assess Your Skill Level: Consider your proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to gauge suitability.

  • Read Testimonials and Reviews: Gain insights from past participants to evaluate the program’s quality and effectiveness.

  • Attend Course Previews or Demos: Participate if available to get a feel for the teaching style and materials.

  • Seek Advice from Peers or Mentors: Consult experienced individuals to gather perspectives on program relevance.

  • Consider Career Goals: Determine if the program equips you with skills aligned with your desired career path.

  • Contact Our Support Team: Reach out for additional information and guidance.

Follow these steps to make an informed decision about our program’s suitability for your learning objectives, skill level, and career aspirations.

Additionally, you can review the prerequisites and compare them to your existing knowledge and experience. If you meet the requirements and are excited about learning React JS, our program is likely a good fit for you.

We offer flexible payment options to make our React JS course accessible to a wide range of learners. You can choose to pay the course fee upfront, allowing you to enjoy the program’s benefits immediately. Alternatively, we offer installment plans that allow you to divide the payment into manageable monthly installments. This option makes the program more affordable and enables you to budget accordingly. We believe that finances should not be a barrier to education, and our payment options aim to accommodate different financial situations and provide equal opportunities for all aspiring React JS developers.

Our React JS program is open to anyone passionate about web development and eager to learn React. Whether you’re a beginner starting your coding journey or an experienced developer looking to upskill, our program is designed to cater to diverse skill levels. As long as you meet the prerequisites, which include a solid understanding of JavaScript, familiarity with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and basic knowledge of GIT version control, you are eligible to attend our program. We welcome individuals from various backgrounds and aim to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all participants.

By enrolling in our program, you will learn a comprehensive set of skills and knowledge in React development. Here’s an overview of what you will learn:

  • React Fundamentals: Gain a solid understanding of React’s core concepts, including components, JSX syntax, state management, and component lifecycle.

  • Reusable Components: Learn how to create reusable and modular components in React, promoting code reusability and maintainability.

  • State Management: Explore different state management techniques, including local component state and global state management using libraries like Redux.

  • Props: Understand how to pass data between components using props, enabling dynamic and flexible component behavior.

  • Life Cycles: Learn about the lifecycle methods of React components and how to leverage them for specific actions and optimizations.

  • Hooks: Dive into React Hooks, which provide a concise and powerful way to use state and other React features in functional components.

  • React Router: Discover how to implement routing in React applications using React Router, enabling navigation and multiple views.

  • Fetching and Managing Data from APIs: Learn techniques for fetching and handling data from APIs, enabling dynamic content updates in your applications.

  • Implementing Authentication: Explore methods for implementing user authentication and authorization in React applications, ensuring secure user experiences.

  • Testing React Components: Gain insights into testing strategies and tools for testing React components, ensuring robust and error-free applications.

  • Deploying a React Application: Learn how to deploy a React application to hosting platforms, making your application accessible on the web.

  • Redux: Dive deeper into Redux, a popular state management library, and understand its principles, actions, reducers, and store setup.

  • TypeScript: Get introduced to TypeScript and learn how to use it with React to enhance code reliability and developer productivity.

Throughout the program, you will engage in hands-on projects, exercises, and lab sessions to reinforce your learning. By the end of the program, you will have a strong foundation in React development, empowering you to build dynamic, responsive, and professional-grade web applications.

Please note that the specific topics covered may vary depending on the program and its duration.

React JS development offers a promising career path for several reasons. Firstly, React has gained widespread adoption in the industry, making it one of the most sought-after skills for front-end development. By mastering React JS, you position yourself as a valuable asset to companies looking to build cutting-edge web applications. Secondly, the demand for React JS developers continues to grow, creating ample job opportunities and career advancement prospects. React JS developers are highly sought after by startups, tech companies, and enterprises alike. Finally, React’s component-based architecture promotes code reusability, making development more efficient and maintainable. This, coupled with its vibrant community and extensive ecosystem, ensures that React JS development will remain relevant and exciting for years to come.

To enroll in our React JS program, you should meet the following prerequisites:

  1. Proficiency in JavaScript: A solid understanding of JavaScript is essential, as React JS is built on JavaScript and requires a good grasp of its fundamentals.

  2. Familiarity with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and SASS: You should be comfortable working with HTML to structure web content, CSS to style elements, and Bootstrap and SASS to enhance the design and responsiveness of web pages.

  3. Basic knowledge of GIT version control: Understanding the basics of GIT version control will be beneficial, as it enables effective collaboration and tracking of code changes during development.

Meeting these prerequisites ensures that you have a strong foundation in web development and are ready to dive into the world of React JS with confidence.

Yes, pursuing a career as a React JS developer can be highly rewarding. React JS has become the go-to library for front-end development, and its popularity continues to soar. As a React JS developer, you’ll be equipped with a valuable skill set that is in high demand in the tech industry. The versatility of React allows you to work on a wide range of projects, from small startups to large-scale applications for major companies.

React’s component-based architecture also promotes code reusability, making development more efficient and streamlined. This, combined with its vibrant and supportive community, provides ample opportunities for growth, learning, and collaboration. With the increasing demand for user-friendly and interactive web applications, React JS developers are well-positioned to thrive in their careers and enjoy exciting challenges and rewarding opportunities.

The salary of React JS developers varies depending on factors such as experience, location, and company size. However, React JS developers are generally well-compensated due to their specialized skill set and the high demand for their expertise. In the United States, the average annual salary for React JS developers ranges from $80,000 to $120,000, with more experienced professionals earning even higher salaries. Keep in mind that salaries can vary in different regions and countries, so it’s essential to research the specific market conditions and trends in your desired location. As a skilled React JS developer, you can expect a competitive salary that reflects the value you bring to the industry.

React JS is a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was developed by Facebook and has gained widespread popularity among developers due to its efficiency and flexibility. React JS follows a component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable UI components that update in real-time. React JS ensures optimal performance and seamless user experiences by efficiently managing the virtual DOM.

React JS simplifies the process of building interactive and dynamic web applications. It utilizes JSX (JavaScript XML) syntax, which combines JavaScript and HTML, enabling developers to write components declaratively and intuitively. React JS also offers a rich ecosystem of libraries, tools, and extensions that enhance development workflows and empower developers to build scalable and maintainable applications.

A React JS developer specializes in creating user interfaces using the React JS library. They are responsible for developing and maintaining web applications that deliver seamless user experiences. React JS developers work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build reusable and interactive UI components, ensuring that the application’s interface is visually appealing and responsive.

In addition to coding, React JS developers collaborate with designers, product managers, and other team members to understand project requirements and implement the desired functionality. They leverage React’s component-based architecture to modularize code and promote reusability, making development more efficient and scalable. React JS developers also handle state management, data flow, and the integration of external APIs, ensuring that the application functions smoothly and meets the project’s objectives.

React JS, Angular JS, and Vue JS are all popular JavaScript frameworks/libraries used for front-end development, but they differ in their approaches and features.

React JS: React JS is a library, not a full-fledged framework, focused on building user interfaces. It follows a component-based architecture and utilizes a virtual DOM for efficient rendering. React JS provides excellent performance and a robust ecosystem of libraries and tools. It is known for its flexibility and scalability, making it a preferred choice for large-scale applications.

Angular JS: Angular JS is a full-fledged framework developed by Google. It offers a comprehensive solution for building complex web applications. Angular JS uses a two-way data binding approach and provides extensive features, including dependency injection, routing, and form validation. It is suitable for building enterprise-level applications with strict architectural patterns.

Vue JS: Vue JS is a progressive JavaScript framework that emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. It combines the best features of React and Angular, providing a lightweight and approachable solution for building interactive web interfaces. Vue JS offers a gentle learning curve and provides flexibility in terms of adoption, making it suitable for both small and large projects.

Each of these frameworks/libraries has its strengths and caters to different development needs. React JS is known for its performance and ecosystem, Angular JS offers a comprehensive solution, and Vue JS provides simplicity and ease of use.

To become a React JS developer, you can follow these steps:

  1. Learn JavaScript: Build a strong foundation in JavaScript, as React JS is built on top of it. Familiarize yourself with JavaScript concepts, such as variables, functions, arrays, objects, and ES6 features.

  2. Master HTML and CSS: Gain proficiency in HTML for structuring web content and CSS for styling and layout purposes. Understanding CSS frameworks like Bootstrap can also be beneficial.

  3. Understand the Fundamentals of Front-End Development: Learn about front-end concepts like the Document Object Model (DOM), responsive design, and web accessibility.

  4. Learn React JS: Dive into React JS by exploring its core concepts, including JSX syntax, components, state management, and the virtual DOM. Follow online tutorials, read documentation, and build small projects to practice your skills.

  5. Build Projects: Gain hands-on experience by building real-world projects using React JS. This allows you to apply your knowledge and showcase your abilities to potential employers.

  6. Explore the React Ecosystem: Familiarize yourself with the broader React ecosystem, including popular libraries and tools like Redux, React Router, and Styled Components.

  7. Collaborate and Contribute: Engage with the React JS community by participating in forums, attending meetups, and contributing to open-source projects. Collaboration and sharing knowledge will enhance your learning journey.

  8. Build a Portfolio: Assemble a portfolio of your React JS projects to showcase your skills and demonstrate your expertise to potential employers.

  9. Stay Updated: Keep up with the latest trends, updates, and best practices in React JS development. Follow reputable blogs, join relevant communities, and continuously enhance your skills.

By following these steps and dedicating time to learning and practicing React JS, you can become a proficient React JS developer and embark on an exciting career in web development.

A skilled React JS developer possesses a range of technical and soft skills. Here are some key skills that are valuable for a React JS developer:

  1. Proficiency in React JS: Deep understanding of React JS library, including components, state management, JSX syntax, and the virtual DOM.

  2. JavaScript: Strong proficiency in JavaScript, as React JS is built on top of it. Knowledge of ES6 features and JavaScript best practices is essential.

  3. HTML and CSS: Solid understanding of HTML for structuring web content and CSS for styling and layout purposes. Familiarity with CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or SASS can be beneficial.

  4. Front-End Development: Knowledge of front-end concepts, including the Document Object Model (DOM), responsive design, and web accessibility.

  5. State Management: Experience with state management libraries like Redux or MobX to manage complex application states.

  6. Component-Based Architecture: Understanding how to build reusable and modular UI components using React’s component-based architecture.

  7. API Integration: Ability to integrate with RESTful APIs and handle asynchronous data fetching using libraries like Axios or the Fetch API.

  8. Version Control: Proficiency in using version control systems like GIT to track and manage code changes.

  9. Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving and debugging skills to identify and resolve issues during development.

  10. Collaboration and Communication: Effective communication and collaboration skills to work within a team, understand project requirements, and contribute to a shared codebase.

  11. Continuous Learning: A growth mindset and a willingness to stay updated with the latest React JS trends, updates, and best practices.

Developing these skills will make you a competent React JS developer and enable you to build interactive and high-quality web applications.

No, a formal degree is not a strict requirement to become a React JS developer. While a computer science or related degree can provide a strong foundation in software development principles, many successful React JS developers are self-taught or have pursued alternative education paths.

What matters most in the tech industry, including React JS development, is practical knowledge and skills. Focus on learning React JS and building a strong portfolio of projects that demonstrate your abilities. Participate in online courses, bootcamps, coding academies, or self-study programs specifically tailored to React JS development.

Employers often value practical experience, demonstrated skills, and a strong portfolio over formal degrees. However, it’s important to note that some companies may have specific educational requirements for certain positions or roles, so it’s always beneficial to research the specific job market and requirements in your desired area.

Yes, React JS developers are in high demand in the current job market. React JS has gained significant popularity among developers and is widely adopted by both large companies and startups. Many organizations are actively seeking React JS developers to build modern and responsive web applications.

The demand for React JS developers is driven by several factors. Firstly, React’s component-based architecture promotes code reusability, making development more efficient and scalable. This, combined with React’s performance advantages and vibrant ecosystem, has made it a preferred choice for building user interfaces.

Additionally, React JS has a large and active community, providing support, resources, and continuous advancements in the library. The availability of extensive documentation, tutorials, and open-source projects makes it easier for developers to learn and work with React JS.

Considering the increasing need for engaging and interactive web applications, React JS developers are expected to remain in high demand for the foreseeable future. It’s a great time to pursue a career as a React JS developer and take advantage of the numerous job opportunities available.

React JS developers can work in various settings, including:

  1. Tech Companies: Many tech companies, from startups to large enterprises, employ React JS developers to build and maintain their web applications. These can range from e-commerce platforms to social media networks and everything in between.

  2. Digital Agencies: Digital agencies often hire React JS developers to work on client projects. They may work on diverse projects for different clients, gaining exposure to various industries and challenges.

  3. Freelance/Contract Work: React JS developers have the flexibility to work as freelancers or on a contract basis. They can undertake independent projects, collaborate with multiple clients, and work remotely.

  4. Software Development Companies: Companies specializing in software development frequently hire React JS developers to contribute to their projects. These can include both custom software development and product development companies.

  5. Startups: React JS is a popular choice among startups due to its efficiency and scalability. Startups often seek React JS developers who can quickly develop prototypes, build minimum viable products (MVPs), and iterate on their products based on user feedback.

  6. Remote Work: React JS developers can also find opportunities to work remotely for companies worldwide. Remote work offers flexibility and the ability to work with diverse teams and projects.

The demand for React JS developers spans various industries and sectors, providing ample employment and career growth options.

The salary of a React JS developer in the USA can vary depending on factors such as experience, location, company size, and the specific job role. On average, React JS developers in the USA can expect a salary range of $80,000 to $120,000 per year.

React JS developers with several years of experience and expertise in related technologies like Redux, TypeScript, or server-side frameworks may command higher salaries. Salaries can also vary depending on the location, with tech hubs like San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle often offering higher compensation.

It’s important to note that salary ranges can change over time due to market conditions and other factors. Researching the current salary trends and factors specific to your desired location is always advisable.

The salary comparison between React JS developers, Angular JS developers, and Vue JS developers can vary based on several factors, including location, demand, and specific job requirements. However, React JS developers generally have a higher earning potential due to its widespread adoption and the demand for React JS expertise in the job market.

React JS has gained significant popularity among developers and has a larger community and ecosystem compared to Angular JS and Vue JS. The demand for React JS developers is high, resulting in a larger pool of job opportunities and potentially higher salaries.

Angular JS and Vue JS are also widely used frameworks, and developers proficient in these technologies can still command competitive salaries. The salaries for Angular JS and Vue JS developers may vary depending on the region, market demand, and the specific industry or company.

Ultimately, while React JS developers tend to have a higher earning potential, it’s important to consider other factors such as personal preferences, career goals, and specific job market conditions when choosing a framework to specialize in.

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