Can I Become A Coder Without A Degree?

If you are eager to become a coder but are unsure how your education will affect your career, this article is for you. First, we will discuss the various types of coding jobs and training options available, as well as their impact on the job search process. Finally, you will learn how the business world approaches Bootcamp graduation during the recruitment process and your chances of gaining a new career.

What Kind Of Work Do Coders Do?

What Kind Of Work Do Coders Do
Coders are employed in a wide variety of fields of information technology. Let’s summarize in general.

Coding For A New Program:

Full-stack developers develop the programs by coding. If you become a coder in the full-stack path, you may be classified as a Front-End developer and Back-End developer. You will build programs from their beginnings until presenting to the user by performing necessary tests in the processes.

Fixing And Updating Existing Programs:

Developers also detect bugs that occur while performing the functions of programs, correct errors from feedback, update the programs with the corrected parts, and publish them in final forms. This job is also critical in terms of ensuring user satisfaction.

Rewriting A Program For Various Platforms:

Different operating systems support various programming languages and tools. As a result, developers can meet the requirement of rewriting a program to run on multiple platforms.

Coordinating Programing Cycle:

This task coordinates the steps involved in developing, testing, deployment, and monitoring programs. This job is, called DevOps, has grown in popularity in recent years. DevOps engineers provide continuous interaction and delivery between stages with developed programs and DevOps tools.

Protecting Programs Against Threats:

The companies or the users of the programs must protect their valuable assets or personal data from malicious people. For this purpose, coders in cyber security, namely cyber security analysts, use the programs and tools necessary to detect and prevent cyber-attacks. Therefore, the demand for cyber security personnel reveals the importance of this field.

Data Analysis And Processing:

Data scientists are tasked with the responsibility of analyzing and generating actionable insights from data collected from the web, smartphones, customers, sensors, and other sources. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are both ongoing and complementary fields of study in this field. Making the rapidly obtained data stack meaningful is essential in determining company strategies in today’s technology.

What Skills Do You Need To Become A Coder?

Jobs require various skills, depending on the nature of the work. Coders design, plan, write, control, correct, and improve the programs. Considering these works, coders require the following skills:

  • Comprehensive thinking,
  • Planning,
  • Focusing on details,
  • Dividing problems into parts,
  • Generating practical solutions.

On the other hand, if you become a coder, you will carry out projects with your colleagues. Because these projects are long-term in nature, you must have the following soft skills:

  • Adaptation
  • Effective communication
  • Team working
  • Reliability and ethical behavior

How Much Do Coders Earn?

It is customary to ask, “When I become a coder, will I can get financially in return for all my hard work.” A tip for you: as a result of your internet search, the salary figures you come across will put a smile on your face.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), when annual salaries are considered, the average annual value of work in coding is $95,000. With the yearly growth of technology, it is predicted that recruitment needs will reach 700,000 within ten years.

Based on this, when you become a coder after Bootcamp, there will be no need to calculate how high your employment rate is. By the way, your salary will increase when you reach senior degrees over the years. These top-paying 10 percent senior degrees earn more than $146,050.

Pros and Cons of Becoming A Coder?

Is becoming a coder suitable for you? To assist you in answering this question, we will outline the positive and negative aspects. So let’s examine it together.

Advantages Of Becoming A Coder

Advantages of becoming a coder

● You Will Have A Good Salary:

Given the global average salary level of IT, it is higher than the average salary level of other professions. Therefore, even if you move to a different region or work for a different company, your salary satisfaction will remain the same.

● Job Satisfaction Is High:

When your products, which you created as part of an individual or group project, meet with the user, they provide a high level of job satisfaction. Positive feedback about your product will increase your pleasure significantly, especially at the end of a long project process.

● You Can Work Anywhere:

The most important feature that sets programming work apart is the ability to work remotely. You can work while traveling without being tied to a location. All you need is the internet. Even on the streets, we walk, it is now possible to meet this need.

● No Formal Graduation Is Required To Get A Job:

Recruiters try to learn your hard skills first, examining them with your knowledge of industry-standard programs and tools. Then your soft skills. Whether you graduated from college, Bootcamp, or even free training videos, the first thing to consider is what you’ve known.

● You Can Improve Yourself Continuously:

You can increase your value as a versatile employee by learning new programs and tools and improving yourself by staying current on IT developments. This enhances your satisfaction in all aspects.

● Your Problem-Solving Skills Improve:

Algorithmic thinking works by segmenting the whole and concentrating on individual problems. Thanks to becoming a coder, you will also increase your problem-solving skills in all areas of your life more easily with the same method.

● Take Advantage Of Freelance Opportunities:

You may not wish to demonstrate your abilities by working for a company. You have complete control over your projects and earnings and branch out into new areas with freelance work. Numerous job search platforms for freelancers are available on the internet.

Disadvantages Of Becoming A Coder

Disadvantages of becoming a coder

● Keeping Up With Rapidly Evolving Technology:

If you work in a technological environment, you must participate in the cycle of innovation, adaptation, and learning. Some jobs’ working environments remain constant over time. In contrast to other industries, becoming a coder requires continuous interaction with technology, adaptation to changing environments, and occasionally even contributing to this change. Constant self-improvement, while common sense for satisfaction, can be exhausting.

● Sedentary Work Environment:

You will always be seated in front of a computer. Reduced physical activity can have negative health consequences. But you can protect your health by participating in sports regularly. Most companies even encourage their employees for sport such as joining gym free. Also, you can find numerous products for working healthily, like using a height-adjustable desk and ergonomic chair.

● Repetitive Tasks:

When you become a coder, projects are broken down into tasks and distributed to you and your colleagues. As a result, you frequently work on the same or similar tasks throughout a project, which can become monotonous. For this reason, your motivation may decrease, and that can sometimes result in boredom. However, other aspects of your business are ripe for innovation, which will always keep you in shape in terms of self-development. So, it’s impossible to get bored here.

Steps of Building A Coding Career

Steps of Building A Coding Career


It is quite important to take some steps in order to build a coding career.

1. Make Sure You Want To Become A Coder:

To be confident about your job is not an IT-specific requirement, and it is essential for all businesses. You desire what and why. It would be best if you believed the coding is suitable for you. If you have no doubt, begin it. Starting trade is half the battle!

2. Determine Your Programming Language:

Coding is carried out in various programming languages. This divergence in languages has occurred due to developing technology and the proliferation of operating systems, the need for improved comprehension and writing, and compatibility requirements.

Generally, Python is preferred because it has gained popularity in recent years and is simple to use and distribute. Aside from Python, Java and C are widely used. The Bootcamp will offer you preferences in your path because, naturally, the language you choose directly impacts the direction you take in coding. For instance, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and bootstrap for website or application developers, Node/Express.js for server business, and SQL and MySQL for database development are just a few of the languages you’ll encounter.

3. Begin Your Training:

It is critical where to begin your education. If you’re considering a new career, you’re likely to prefer Bootcamp. Because it is irrelevant what industry you have worked in previously or whether you are young or old to begin learning at Bootcamp. Additionally, you can participate in training from the comfort of your own home through online training. All you need is will and determination.

The other option is a university but, starting a new career with four years of face-to-face training may not suit you. Additionally, you can take the courses independently via educational websites. However, without the support of an expert team, it isn’t easy to plan the lessons and maintain both the strength and motivation to continue.

4. Reinforce What You Have Learned Through A Project:

Your project is also a crucial phase of your learning. The project is designed to prepare you for the tasks you’ll face once you start working. In addition, the project is intended to familiarize you with the tasks you will encounter once you begin working. Projects are self-contained to create a realistic environment in which seeking assistance from a teacher is not an option. When you become stuck, referring to your notes and searches will boost your confidence.

The bootcamp prepares the project to cover what you have learned and usually plans it for the last period of your education. If you are a self-learner, You will need to obtain the project yourself. But a worthwhile project almost always requires payment.

5. Apply For A Job:

Your resume is the first point of view in job applications. The resume describes the hard and soft skills that best tell you and your experiences and future goals. It would be best to take advantage of various platforms and resources to prepare a resume.

Furthermore, a resume alone will not be enough for recruitment; a job interview will also occur. In the interview, you will verbally express yourself and demonstrate your skills. Generally, interviews consist of several steps, and you will need to be specially prepared for them.

However, bootcamps can also assist you with both the resume and interview segments of the recruitment process. This process must be as active and focused as the learning period.

Where to Find Coder Jobs Opportunities?

where to find job opportunities
Now, you have passed all the stages, and it’s time for the first step in your career. You’re probably wondering where to begin your job search. As you learned in class, the internet will be your most valuable resource in this regard. So, let’s talk about some digital platforms for this process.


LinkedIn is the largest business network on the internet. This professional network can assist you in finding the right job or internship, establish and strengthen professional relationships, and progress in your career.

In addition, by displaying your resume and all of your skills on LinkedIn, you can allow companies looking for new employees to contact you and invite you to apply. In a nutshell, you will have the opportunity to showcase yourself in a showcase where businesses will follow.

Job Search Platforms:

These platforms are the easiest ways for companies to recruit people. All kinds of job postings can be found here. In addition, you can see IT’s employment announcements and the conditions requested for the application, and you can contact your preferred ones. Receptix, Indeed, Monster are some of these platforms.

Local Job Centers:

You can apply for jobs locally at the employment centers in your area. Although IT generally recruits employees on global platforms, there are also job opportunities in local centers. Therefore, if you intend to look for a job versatilely, we recommend you visit local job centers.

Bootcamp you attended:

Educational institutions are in contact with the business world. It is a fact that this relationship emerged as a result of the business’s desire to provide employees most shortly and safely. Providing jobs to its graduates is also one reason for Bootcamp’s preference. As a result, being a distinguished student at the end of your education will undoubtedly benefit you.

Become a Coder With Clarusway

Finally, you believe that you could become a coder without a graduation degree and then start a new career with the steps above. While reading this article, you may review Clarusway due to your bootcamp search.

Clarusway’s advanced training methods and expert trainers make your career preparation with the most accurate and practical techniques to make your dreams come true. No matter what age or business field you are in, come on then!


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Picture of Nihat Ferda
Nihat Ferda

Salesforce Certified Administrator & Developer, Technical Writer
Nihat FERDA, a technical writer, holds a bachelor of science in electronics engineering, along with Salesforce Administrator and Developer certifications. He writes on several topics with varied skills, such as DevOps engineering, Cyber Security Ops, AWS, Agile, Jira, Linux, and Python.

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